About me
Hi, my name is Giácomo A. A. Bolan and I am an enthusiast for technology. Maybe three words could define me: self-motivated, desire to learn and creativity, (I guess I used more than 3). My life changed since I received my first computer as gift. From that time on, I never stopped studying. In another words, I found a career. I could probably say that professional life took its primary step over 25 years ago when I was still a child.
Following my undercover kid skill, I am meaning computer stuff. In 1998, I started my academic life in Computer Science. I acquired my degree in the first semester of 2002. In regards to my job, I currently work as Developer and College Professor.
Nowadays I am divorced and I have beautiful daughter. About my job, I split time as developer and professor at college. My hobby? Heli Model (yeah, I grew up, however, a child still lives inside me). I also like photograph and play piano.
Coming soon, a video about me: